Nowadays, when we decide to buy from a designer and high-quality leather jacket in a virtual store (Ecommerce), we know that we can buy very safely and almost without risks. And why do we say "almost" without risks?
Because we know that we will not have problems with the quality and design of the jacket, we are looking at it before buying and we can also consult and verify the raw materials with which it was made, but what we will always have the doubt is (and it is what more important), if the jacket will fit us well; and unfortunately we cannot know this until we try it on.
Choosing the right size, when we are buying in a virtual store, is a real challenge since not all sizes are not the same for all brands and / or according to different designs, many times it happens to us that we are sure that our size it is, for example "M", based on previous shopping experiences, but many times we find that this is not the right one.
What happens if the garment does not fit us well? We must change it and this is always a process that takes time, we will not have the garment to use when we needed or wanted and, being a online purchases, there are shipping cost surely, because the product received was exactly what was ordered, so it was not an error of the supplier, but the wrong selection of the size.
For these reasons and looking for the greatest satisfaction of our customers, El Nochero has developed its production structure in such a way that it can manufacture custom tailored jackets with minimal additional cost, which gives us complete confidence of delivering a product “for that client ”, really personalized for him, and minimizing the risk of errors and, at the same time, eliminating the doubts in choosing the size.
Our bodies have unique and special characteristics, and while we are always within a certain range of sizes, we are never sure that a size will fit us. How many times has it happened to us that when trying on a jacket we see that it fits our back and waist well, but the sleeves are too long or, which is very common, it is too wide at the waist?
There is no doubt that, for a minimal cost difference, it is certainly worth buying a tailored and custom-tailored jacket (including our name and / or monogram on its label). Thus, we will have a unique high-end jacket, made by hand, taking care of even the smallest finishing detail, really "made for us"